Forbes: Why Russia’s Natural Gas Leverage Won’t Last Much Longer | By Ken Rapoza

Professor Alexander Mirtchev, a Distinguished Professor of Government at George Mason University, and Vice Chairman of The Atlantic Council, has been looking at these issues of energy power politics for years. I wrote about his book, “The Prologue: the Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition” last year. He argues that renewable energy will become […]

Forbes: Why Russia’s Natural Gas Leverage Won’t Last Much Longer | By Ken Rapoza Read More »

Defense News: The Green Energy Arms Race is Underway | By Paddy Ryan

A recent book, “The Prologue: The Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition,” by Dr. Alexander Mirtchev describes how an alternative energy “megatrend” — a confluence of interconnected trends transforming the global zeitgeist — is revolutionizing international relations. With climate concerns, economic motives and energy security imperatives fashioning the megatrend, professor Mirtchev details a

Defense News: The Green Energy Arms Race is Underway | By Paddy Ryan Read More »

Purpose and Profit: Driving The Energy Megatrend | By Daniel A. Witt

Alexander Mirtchev’s The Prologue: The Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition discusses the ways the renewable era might reshape the dealings of nations, creating as many opportunities for profit and cooperation as competition. Mirtchev, Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Council and a Distinguished Professor at the George Mason University, cuts through the emotions.

Purpose and Profit: Driving The Energy Megatrend | By Daniel A. Witt Read More »

Texas Solar: Riding the Alternative Energy Megatrend | By Joe Webster

Alexander Mirtchev writes perceptively of The Alternative Energy Megatrend: “The ongoing technological revolution bolsters expectations of turning alternative energy from a dream of clean, limitless, and affordable energy into a technologically feasible, commercially viable, and environmentally friendly solution.”This paradigm shift could benefit Texas, which enjoys some of the world’s best solar and wind resources. As Mirtchev notes,

Texas Solar: Riding the Alternative Energy Megatrend | By Joe Webster Read More »

The Place of Materials in the Energy Crucible | By James Clad

Of special note is Alexander Mirtchev, whose solid new book (“The Prologue: The Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition“) traces the trajectory of energy in the global economy. Mirtchev shows how each earlier era has had a transformative effect, a powerful narrative leading straight to an examination of today’s Sino-American rivalry.

The Place of Materials in the Energy Crucible | By James Clad Read More »

How The Clean Energy Megatrend Impacts The World Order | By Llewellyn King

Alexander Mirtchev, a respected member of the Washington foreign policy establishment and vice chairman of the Atlantic Council, in a new book based on a study he conducted for the Wilson Center, names this changed horizon for what it is: a megatrend. In doing this Mirtchev joins other megatrend energy spotters of the past, including

How The Clean Energy Megatrend Impacts The World Order | By Llewellyn King Read More »

Renewable Energy In The U.S. Military: Creating A Lean Mean Green Warfighting Machine | By James Grant

From 2011 to 2015 the U.S. military nearly increased its renewable power generation by 100 percent while the nation’s economy added merely 2.6 percent of renewable power generation. With continued growth in renewables and further investment in the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which engages in cutting edge experimental technologies, the United States could

Renewable Energy In The U.S. Military: Creating A Lean Mean Green Warfighting Machine | By James Grant Read More »

Alternative Energy Hailed as a Megatrend, Disrupting World Order | By Llewellyn King

Mirtchev’s book is a serious work by a serious scholar which pulls together the impact of alternative energy on national security, the interplay between great powers, and the changing landscape between great powers and a few lesser ones. It is wonderfully free of the idealistic tropes about alternative energy as a morally superior force… Mirtchev’s

Alternative Energy Hailed as a Megatrend, Disrupting World Order | By Llewellyn King Read More »

The Coming Disruption: The Global Alternative Energy Megatrend | By Kenneth Rapoza

In his new book, “The Prologue: The Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition”, Atlantic Council Vice Chairman Alexander Mirtchev defines the alternative energy megatrend as it relates to national security and using energy as leverage with other countries. He does it in the context of the new great power rivalry between

The Coming Disruption: The Global Alternative Energy Megatrend | By Kenneth Rapoza Read More »